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Orders and Shipping

Our warehouse is located at 17-19 Tonka Rd, Luscombe, Queensland, 4207.

Yes. We offer pickup from our warehouse at 17-19 Tonka Rd, Luscombe, Queensland, 4207. Select the "store pickup" option when you checkout.

Shipping times vary depending on your location and the shipping option you choose.

Yes, join Container Guy Rewards and get 1 point for every dollar you spend. It's our way of saying thank you to our loyal customers. Learn more and join here.

Customer Service and Returns

Container Guy provides a 12 month warranty on all products. If you experience a problem, contact support for assistance.

If you purchased the wrong product or change your mind, Container Guy offers a no fuss returns policy. Simply return the product in its original condition with packing in tact (unused and unopened) and we'll organise a store credit or refund.

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